
Using docker and docker compose for my Homelab

I've seen some very elaborate homelab set-ups online but wanted to get the easiest possible implementation I could, within my current skill set. As I have quite a lot of experience with using docker for development in my day to day work, I thought I'd just try using docker compose to setup my homelab service...

Tags Docker homelab Own Your Data

Homelab initial setup

I have gone with Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS for my Homelab's operating system. Most of the videos I've seen for Homelab-related guides and reviews tend to revolve around Proxmox and/or TrueNAS. I have no experience with either of those, but I do have experience with Docker, so I am opting to go with straight up...

Tags homelab Linux

Setting up mine, and my family's, Homelab

I've opted for what I believe is the easiest, and cheapest, method of setting up my Homelab. I'm using my old work PC which has the following spec: My Homelab Goals My homelab goals are centered around two fundamental tenets: lower cost for online services and privacy. I want to be: Documenting my journey I...

Tags Docker homelab Own Your Data Linux Privacy

I’m now running pi-hole through my Raspberry Pi 2b.

It’s both amazing and depressing just how many trackers are being blocked by it. I even noticed a regular ping being made to an Amazon endpoint exactly every 10 minutes.

I will try and write up my set up soon, which is a mix of setting up the Raspberry Pi and configuring my home router.

I’ve also managed to finally get a home server running again – using Ubuntu Server LTS.

My plan on my server is to just install services I want to self-host using docker. Docker being the only program I’ve installed on the machine itself.

So far I have installed the following:

  • Home Assistant — On initial playing with this I have decided that it’s incredible. Connected to my LG TV and lets me control it from the app / laptop.
  • Portainer — A graphical way to interact with my docker containers on the server.

Tags homelab servers Own Your Data Linux self hosting

I have decided to get back into tinkering with my Raspberry Pi.

I will be blogging my journey as I stumble through my initial playing, through to building out my first proper homelab.

This first Raspberry Pi (model 2b) will be initially used as both a wireguard VPN server and a local DNS server.

Tags Programming homelab Linux