David Peach

Programmer and Virtual Photographer based in the U.K.

This website is a constant work-in-progress. I'm currently migrating over from my wordpress website.

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Welcome to my homepage.

This website has been around for almost 13 years now... shesh I feel old. Most of it has been my ramblings and chunterings. But there is a good portion of it I am proud of.

My website, circa 2012

I'm just a guy with a homepage. I love to tinker on the web. And in an age where we've lost most of what made the web special, I believe it's becoming more critical for people to own and control their own place on the web.

I'm a programmer / web developer by trade, and it just so happens I love to play with the same stuff in my own time.

On this site you'll find a range of topics I've posted about through the years.

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Latest Articles

Set up a global .gitignore file

A global gitignore file can be handy to automatically hide common files from projects that you work on. I typically use this for files that are specific to me and my local setup. First create the file that you want to use for your global .gitignore file.

Tags Git Programming Terminal

Latest Notes

I wanna start using a hot key daemon on i3 (and potentially other DEs) but not sure whether to go for xbindkeys or sxhkd.

Leaning towards the latter.

Tags Linux Dotfiles bash

So glad I finally managed to commit to moving my website to Laravel. I love WordPress but now I can infinitely tinker with new features.

Tags website my site

That "no caffeine" thing lasted all of a day.

Maybe I need a slow weening method to conquer this dragon.

Tags caffeine