Tag: The X-Files

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    100 Days : Day Four (97)

    Slept in till 10:40.

    In the early afternoon we went for a run around Kingsbury Water Park. A load of the water’s-edge trees have been cut down, not sure why though. When we got there it was nice to see that the car park was pretty empty – no masses of people to avoid when doing our laps.

    Later on, after getting caught up with the new X Files series, Lizzie cleaned out and changed Moomin while I washed up and Cooked the tea.

    I’m quite impressed with myself in keeping up this 100 days so far.

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    100 Days : Day Three (98)

    Today I saw possibly the worst film of my life – Dirty Grampa – at Vue, Star City.

    I think in parts the humour actually offended me. I couldn’t believe this was the same guy I’d seen in Jackie Brown.

    On a more positive note, me and Liz did go for a nice meal at the Green Man in Middleton. My only quarm was that my otherwise nice burger came on a bloody brioche bun.

    Then on the evening we watched the first episode of the new series of The X Files. Despite the mixed reviews I actually liked it.