Fast Moving Cars by Carla dal Forno

This single, and indeed its accompanying song, “Better Yet”, is one of the nicest musical surprises I’ve had recently. I’d never heard of Carla Dal Forno before stumbling upon the song “Fast Moving Cars”. The songs on here are so wonderfully bleak, especially “Better Yet”. I don’t know what it is about the atmosphere that … Continue reading “Fast Moving Cars by Carla dal Forno”

This single, and indeed its accompanying song, “Better Yet”, is one of the nicest musical surprises I’ve had recently. I’d never heard of Carla Dal Forno before stumbling upon the song “Fast Moving Cars”.

The songs on here are so wonderfully bleak, especially “Better Yet”. I don’t know what it is about the atmosphere that these songs have, or what feelings they evoke, all I know is I can not wait for her debut album.

Face photo of a man wearing a tiger onesie

Author: David Peach

this is me