Defeat an enemy by burning them.
Burned Alive – Resident Evil 0
Defeat an enemy by burning them.
love a good story
Defeat an enemy by burning them.
Defeat an enemy by burning them.
Defeat a zombie by stomping on them.
Defeat a zombie by stomping on them.
Defeat Centurion.
Defeat Centurion.
Defeat an enemy with a critical-hit headshot.
Defeat an enemy with a critical-hit headshot.
Attack an enemy to save your partner who is grappling with that enemy.
Attack an enemy to save your partner who is grappling with that enemy.
Complete the train.
Complete the train.
Create a Molotov Cocktail.
Create a Molotov Cocktail.
Break free of a Cerberus while they are biting you or trying to push you down.
Break free of a Cerberus while they are biting you or trying to push you down.
Defeat Stinger.
Defeat Stinger.
Defeat the 7th Colossus
Defeat the 7th Colossus
In public matches, hook a Survivor while 3 other Survivors are injured, 10 times.
In public matches, hook a Survivor while 3 other Survivors are injured, 10 times.
Complete the game on Hard +
Complete the game on Hard +
Completed Grounded Mode Plus
Completed Grounded Mode Plus
Complete the game on Survivor +
Complete the game on Survivor +
Build your clan to 40 people in Factions
Build your clan to 40 people in Factions
Win a game of Supply Raid and Survivors in find match
Win a game of Supply Raid and Survivors in find match