David Peach

  • Working on a decent size blog post about sass, compass and really wanna press it tonight. But alas I’m lagging. #patiencemyyoungpadawan


  • @chriscoyier whenever I’m in a pickle, css-tricks to the rescue. Thanks Chris. Being playing with :target to make a CSS only mobile menu.


  • Should I be grateful for the concern, or worried that it must happen that often that they now need to ask?


  • Radiohead – OK Computer (8-bit) [FULL ALBUM]: http://t.co/jrvTKPqC via @youtube This is genius people


  • Emulate touch events now in chrome Dev tools! a nice welcome surprise. #helpful


  • Happy IPv6 Launch day, people. #IPv6


  • My new website is up and running. Drop by and lemme know what ya think. Parts are still partly unstyled, but its almost there.


  • Parallel lines by #Blondie is a truly great album. Just thought id let you all know. You’re welcome.


  • OMG this is freekin’ awesome! Animated Loading Bar by @leemunroe on @dribbble: http://t.co/a7Oy8kWV


  • I heard a rumour that belloch’s staff is too long…


  • @paul_irish just watched your talk on history and primitives of html5 again. Great talk man!


  • Okay think I may have caught the #wordpress bug now.


  • My friend just got back from hols, and has been detained at airport for importing skipping ropes and trainers. Is held in customs & exercise


  • My hand-made miniature of the Sarlacc Pit from Return of the Jedi. Made on Paignton Beach.


  • @ShopTalkShow also on subject of getting cool urls of your name. I managed to get davidpea.ch I was dead chuffed!


  • Thanks to @james27586 I have discovered #theinbetweeners and bloody love it!



If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.

Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.

I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.