Cherish your Life – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator in The Game’s Bathroom and live to tell the story.
American Horror Story – 1984 Poster
I really need to get and watch AHS: Apocalypse before this next series starts. I absolutely adore this show, but I always seem to wait until the next one is coming out before catching up.
1984 looks freaking awesome though – just the concept alone. Can’t wait.
American Horror Story 1984 📂 Journal
Rodney Trotter after going skateboarding with the Groovy Gang. I just stumbled upon a classic episode of the TV series Only Fools And Horses. It’s the one where Del Boy, Rodney and Cassandra win a holiday to Spain after Del sends one of Rodney’s old school paintings into a cereal competition.
This series still stands up and I’m still laughing out loud watching it.
They truly don’t make them quite like this anymore.
📂 Journal🏷️ TV
A Beggar Woman 1861 Painting by Hugues Merle
A Beggar Woman 1861 Painting by Hugues Merle Taken by myself at the musée d’Orsay in Paris
During our trip to Paris a few years ago, my girlfriend and I visited a fair number of art galleries. Although I saw a lot of paintings that stood out to me, this one — A Beggar Woman by Hugues Merle — was one that grabbed me the most.
I’m not even sure what it is about it that spoke to me. I just found myself imagining stories within the world this woman lived in.
📂 Journal
First steps into No Man’s Sky
No Man’s Sky_20190619115001 No Man’s Sky_20190619133139 No Man’s Sky_20190619150405 No Man’s Sky_20190619153255 I am absolutely loving No Man’s Sky. The planets I’ve visited are absolutely stunning!
My first base is on a snowy planet I discovered. I called the planet “Ice Bonga”. The cold storms get pretty nippy on there.
No Man’s Sky_20190616153347 After warp driving to a neighbouring star system, I found another new planet. This is probably my favourite planet yet so have decided to set up camp.
I have named this new planet “Plush Bonga” and have begun the base building.
📂 Journal
A flooded walkway Decided to go for a stroll, which ended up being a two-hour walk around a local nature reserve. Beautiful scenery but almost got bested by flooding water numerous times.
📂 Journal