In a public match, crawl your way out through the hatch.
Ellen Ripley (circa 1979)
In celebration of my restarting Alien: Isolation later, I thought I’d share a commemorative picture of Sigourney Weaver from the film Alien.
📂 Journal
Looking forward to getting back into Alien: Isolation on the PS4 tonight. I tried playing it about a year ago but I got about an hour or so into it and stopped playing. Dunno why I never went back to it.
However, I have been advised by a couple of mates through PSN that I need to give it another go. So I shall give it a good run this time.
📂 Journal
I need to write more
I literally started writing this post at the moment I had the thought that I should be writing more. I love the idea of being a writer and for that I know that all I need to do… is write.
You see, I keep finding myself wanted to write about different topics that interest me, however, I keep thinking that I need to put those posts within a “branded” website.
For example, I actively write on another blog at which is about Horror Manga (in case you didn’t guess). And that website is fine for me to write for too. But I found myself wanted to write about other aspects of horror. And instead of just writing on this website, I keep trying to come up with brandable website ideas in order to publish them somewhere I consider to be legit.
But this is actually keeping me from just writing about things that I want to write about.
That’s why, as soon as I had this thought, I wanted to just write about it straight away. I want to stop trying to make myself some brandable entity and just fucking write because I enjoy it.
And aint even gonna edit this one… warts an’ all.
📂 Journal
Sizzling Scarlet Hero – Resident Evil 2
Complete Claire’s story on “Standard” or “Hardcore” with an S rank.
Shrine Apparatus – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator in the Temple basement and live to tell the tale.
A Promise of Greatness – Gran Turismo Sport
Completed any Driving School challenge at least one second faster than the Gold time