Milk ‘n’ Cookies – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, take the item from the chest in the basement in at least 30 different trials.
Outrage – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, during a chase, damage a Survivor who drops a Pallet within a chase, 100 times.
Adept Pig – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Pig using only her 3 unique perks.
Old and ugly (Tomie part 20)
In Tomie Old and Ugly, Ryo and Yasuko have managed to keep their Tomie alive and well up until now. But some outside forces may well be trying to get at her still. Will they get her to live to a ripe old age? Will Tomie get the last laugh after all?
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Adept Shape – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Shape using only its 3 unique perks.
Ancestor’s Rite – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator in the Family Residence and live to tell the tale.
Adept Claudette – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, escape with Claudette using only her 3 unique perks.
Top Model (Tomie part 19)
In Tomie: Top Model, A very arrogant male model crosses paths with Tomie. He then expects her to swoon for him like all other women. He is sadly mistaken and ends up jeopardising both his career and his life for the sake of his pride.
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Passing Demon (Tomie part 18)
In Passing Demon, a shadowy figure alters the path of a number of children by injecting them with some of Tomie’s blood. What will happen when these girls get older? And what will happen when they each learn of the others’ existence?
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