Revenge (Tomie part 7)
On a harsh snowy mountain, three hikers discover a naked body sticking out of the ice. Surprising to them, the girl they have found is still alive. She introduces herself as Tomie, and things then begin to go from bad to worse.
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Party Crasher – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, damage a generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
Game Over – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, sacrifice or kill 30 Survivors after the last Generator has been activated.
Mansion (Tomie part 6)
In the third and final part of the “Tsukiko Trilogy”, Tomie lures Tsukiko back to her mansion home with the promise of seeing her friend Yamazaki. However, she isn’t prepared for the nightmares that are contained within.
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Shock Therapy – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator on the second floor of the Disturbed Ward and escape.
Kiss (Tomie part 5)
Tsukiko attempts to nurse an injured friend in her blood-stained apartment. The blood remains from the horrific events of the previous chapter, Photo. But Tomie’s presence in that place is still holding on through very gory means.
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The Grind – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, with the Hillbilly, chainsaw a total of 50 survivors.
Photo (Tomie part 4)
A photography student is asked to get some pictures of Tomie – another student at the school. However, the developed photos uncover something strange beneath Tomie’s beautiful exterior.
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