• Until Dawn Rush of Blood on Playstation VR

    Until Dawn Rush of Blood is so much fun to play. The concept of being essentially trapped in a roller coaster cart adds a new dimension to what is possible with a horror game. You have no option to just stand in a corner and catch your breath before moving on. You are either fighting for your life or being moved ever forward into the increasingly hellish world.

    Remains true to the original

    Until Dawn is a stand out game and still stands up to this day. It was nice to see that the look and feel of the original was maintained with Rush of Blood. Riding gently around Blackwood Mountain and the surrounding forest was just as atmospheric as I remembered.

    With Rush of Blood

    I actually felt the uphill pull

    I was amazed when the cart I was in started up a steep climb, that I actually felt the pull back that you would normally expect from gravity. I know that it’s not gravity but instead probably just me tensing my own muscles in the same way. But it really is such a genuine feeling that the horror that I knew was coming had even more of a degree of terror to them. If going up a roller coaster climb felt real, what the hell will it be like when I was getting killed by hoards of killer mannequins and clowns.

    I was soon to find out.

    In summary

    This is a completely different game to Until Dawn. Although the locations do take you through certain set pieces reminiscent of the original, the style of game play is far removed. Until Dawn Rush of Blood is an all-out arcade shooter. And a bloody fun one at that. But don’t be fooled by its premise – this game has moments of true terror. Even though there were moments when I could predict what a particular jump scare was going to be, it was no less effective.


  • Interview with Kylie Brown (Rachel Amber in Life is Strange Before the Storm)

    Interview with Kylie Brown (Rachel Amber in Life is Strange Before the Storm)

    The character of Rachel Amber has been brought to life, in ways we couldn’t even imagine, by the very talented Kylie Brown.

    Rachel Amber was but a memory that we caught glimpses of through the eyes of Max’s best friend, Chloe, in Life Is Strange. But now that we have witnessed the events that brought Chloe and Rachel together in Life Is Strange Before the Storm, we can share in those memories together.

    I have been lucky enough to be able to ask Kylie Brown some questions about herself, her life and her approach to her craft.

    The Interview

    Please tell us about yourself in as many or as little words as you like.
    Lazily active and very passionate.
    Who is your biggest influence in how you approach what you do today?
    Jennifer Lawrence and Tom Hanks. I’ve always said that I want a career like Jennifer Lawrence where I go from being in movies that go to comic-con to movies that are Oscar nominated. And Tom Hanks where I can own any role that comes my way.
    What inspires you?
    I don’t think there’s any one thing that inspires me. There’s a lot of things that do. Like a simple walk around my home town, staring at the Hollywood sign, watching a movie in the theaters, my parents, my friends, watching BTS footage from a movie. Inspiration is everywhere for me.
    What annoys you more than anything else in the world?
    When people talk during a movie/tv show that I’m watching. I literally hate it …so much… so very much. Just don’t do it.
    What is the proudest moment of your career so far?
    I would definitely have to say Life is Strange: Before the Storm is my proudest moment in my career right now, it was so far from my normal acting jobs and I had such a blast filming it and watching it take off.
    What advice would you give to your younger self?
    You’re on the right track kid, just keep going for your dreams, you’ll get there.
    If you could ask any person – living or passed – any question, who would it be and what would you ask them?
    I would ask Jennifer Lawrence, “What’s your favorite kind of pizza?”
    Rachel Amber is someone we’ve known for a long time now. We’ve gotten to know her through word of mouth and other characters’ experiences but we’ve never met her. Is there a lot of pressure to portray this brand new person to fit with the Rachel Amber people already feel that they know?
    Well yeah! There’s a ton of pressure! Rachel was portrayed as this woman who’s out of this world, and here I am…on earth. I mean really, even her NAME is kickass. Rachel Amber. Like, what?!? My biggest fear was not doing right by the fans, and all I can say now is that I am so honored the Life is Strange community has accepted and welcomed me as their Rachel.
    What is your favourite Book?
    1984 by George Orwell
    What is your favourite Album?
    Uhhhhh, the last FULL album I’ve ever listened to was from the Jonas Brothers….so I guess the Jonas Brothers Lines, Vines and Trying Times album? If musicals count as albums, then definitely Hamilton.
    What is your favourite Film?
    Depends on the genre really.


    • Action (which is my favorite genre): any marvel movie that just came out
    • Drama: Silver Linings Playbook
    • Comedy: Baywatch
    • War (or historical): Saving Private Ryan
    What is your favourite TV Show?
    Will & Grace (I’m currently watching it as I write this) and Game of Thrones
    Do you have a favourite film/tv/musical soundtrack?
    I LOVE movie scores and I can’t pick a favorite. But probably Jurassic Park.
    Is there anything that you are binge listening to / watching at the moment?
    HAMILTON and I just finished binge watching a new comedy on Netflix called The Good Place
    You’re walking somewhere and your mp3 player / phone has only a little battery left; You’ve only got time for one more song. What song do you play?
    Hakuna Matata from the Lion King so that way if it dies in the middle off the song, I’ll still be singing it at the top of my lungs giving everyone a show.
    What was the first poster you ever had on your wall?
    Oh wow, I don’t know. I first moved into my house when I was two and my room was decorated like a princess room. Pink walls, princess bedding and princess posters. So I’m guessing the first poster to be on my walls was a princess one that had a princess saying on it.
    Could you tell us two truths and a lie?
    1. I’ve known my best friend since kindergarten and we’re still best friends.
    2. I broke my leg three times in two years due to soccer, snowboarding, and climbing on my roof.
    3. I grew up with three boys across the street from me and we would play army and have airsoft wars and one day I got shot right next to my tear duct and was forced to wear goggles every time after that.

    *Answers at the bottom of the page.

    Do you have any announcements or causes you’d like to raise an awareness of?
    I’m a huge advocate for anti-bullying. I was a safe school ambassador at my high school where we would step in and speak up if we saw bullying going on and it saddened me to see how much was going on. And it saddens me even more seeing how much bullying is going on in this world right now, I always thought it stopped when we graduated high school. Bullying is so pointless to me, we are all human beings, we all have stories that no one is aware of, we all have pain that no one understands. No matter what you are feeling, it is valid, no matter what you are going through, I’m here for you. I don’t care if you are halfway across the world, you matter and you are cared for. And if you see someone getting bullied, please speak up. Stand up for your peer. Let them know they are not alone. If we all do that, this world will be a happier place.

    *Answers to the two truths and a lie question

    QuestionTruth or Lie?
    2Lie (I’ve never broken anything but my toe one time)

  • Sorted – Dead by Daylight

    In a public match, spend most of the trial injured (more than 50%) and live to tell the story.

    📂 ,

  • Risk it all – Dead by Daylight

    In a public match, as a survivor, use an ultra-rare item or add-on without using a protective ward.

    📂 ,

  • The Grand Sacrifice – Dead by Daylight

    In a public match, get 4 sacrifices in a single match.

    📂 ,

  • Life is Strange: Before the storm episode 3 (Hell is Empty)

    Life is Strange: Before the storm episode 3 (Hell is Empty)

    It doesn’t seem like too long ago since Life is Strange Before the Storm was first announced. Now here I am writing up my thoughts on it’s heart-felt, bittersweet conclusion.

    In this final episode we follow Chloe as she works to uncover the truth, and whereabouts, of Rachel Amber’s birth mother. As she does so, she manages to uncover some dark truths about certain characters. As we’ve learnt from previous events in this game, most things can’t simply come down to just good or bad; right or wrong. It tends to be dependant on a given character’s perspective.

    I’m a little sad that this game has come to its end. However, we do still have the bonus episode with Max and Chloe to look forward to early in the new year.

    Everyone has good and bad

    Life Is Strange Before the Storm is a game that is great at showing how all people have both good and bad sides. All the characters here are as fully fleshed out as we have come to expect in Arcadia Bay. We’ve seen Chloe do bad things and let people get hurt – but for her love of Rachel. We’ve seen David and his militarist approach to parenting – but then in episode 3 we actually see him soften somewhat to meet Chloe on a middle ground.

    But the characters I found perhaps most interesting in forms of their actions and moral compasses, are Rachel’s (birth) mother and father.

    Rachel’s father goes through many different guises through Chloe’s eyes as the more she uncovers, the more she learns of his actions and motives – motives that are perhaps ill-advised at times. Meanwhile her Mother, who is initially painted as the bad guy, gets a chance to speak for herself later on. She is a woman who has made mistakes, sure, but who is now willing to give up everything for what she feels is right.

    You will have a hard choice to make at the end of this episode, which will hinge on whether you want to do what’s right, or what’s good.

    The world of Life Is Strange is well known now for its ability to show us fully fleshed-out characters. People who at first appear one way, but later – after the peeling back of layers – show us that there is so much more beneath. In good ways and bad. Before the Storm has continued this tradition with flying colours.

    So much more than a prequel

    Life Is Strange Before The Storm is just as good, sometimes even better in my opinion, than its predecessor. The focus in on Chloe and Rachel’s blossoming relationship has been an absolute joy to watch. I think now, after seeing their meeting and subsequent story together, that playing through the original game will be a fresh experience. Rachel is no longer just a face on a missing persons poster. Rachel is a complex young woman whose very presence seemed to bring out the best in people – not least of all Chloe Price.

    What impressed me also about the developer’s approach to this story, is that it is not just a prequel that is heading towards what we know comes later. These three episodes are completely self-contained and serve their own narrative, which is done extremely well. I love how there is still enough time between the end of this game and the beginning of the original. Maybe we will see some more stories in the near future?

    P.S. Stick around till after the credits

    Make sure you stick around till the end of the credits on this one. Where in previous episodes there would have been the next trailer, we are instead shown something entirely different. Something that still makes my skin crawl now, just thinking about it.

    Damn you Deck Nine!


  • Jump Scares – Dead by Daylight

    In public matches, with the Wraith, Surprise & hit a total of 50 survivors.

    📂 ,

  • Mondays Be Like… – Dirt Rally

    Crash your car so badly it ends your rally.

    📂 ,

  • Nailed It! – Dirt Rally

    Roll your car, land on your wheels and carry on.

    📂 ,

  • Perfect Killing – Dead by Daylight

    In a public match, as a killer, complete with at least 5000 blood points in each score category.

    📂 ,

  • Apt Survivor – Dead by Daylight

    Start a public match with a full survivor loadout.

    📂 ,


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