Welcome to my personal website.

Pretty much everything that I post online now starts life here.

You can follow me and my site on the Fediverse by searching for this: @david@davidpeach.me

  • Setting up #github for windows. Hoping it’ll get me out of using the command line…

  • Where do my minecraft screenshots go? #minecraft

  • Making a webapp for joint art creation, and using a setTimeout in a Web worker to look for database changes. Any better solutions?

  • Planning a Web app for live collaboration on Web art. Will work natively in your browser from phone up to desktop. need a title. Ideas?

  • My auntie works in a stationary manufacturers, specialising in rulers. But she lives far away so I was centimetre.

  • Working on a decent size blog post about sass, compass and really wanna press it tonight. But alas I’m lagging. #patiencemyyoungpadawan

  • @chriscoyier whenever I’m in a pickle, css-tricks to the rescue. Thanks Chris. Being playing with :target to make a CSS only mobile menu.

  • Should I be grateful for the concern, or worried that it must happen that often that they now need to ask?

  • Radiohead – OK Computer (8-bit) [FULL ALBUM]: http://t.co/jrvTKPqC via @youtube This is genius people

  • Emulate touch events now in chrome Dev tools! a nice welcome surprise. #helpful