@chriscoyier finally taking the step into sass. Cheers for recommending!
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Scrambled eggs take bloody ages. #bloodyannoyingfoodstocook
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Intellectual people on the peasant wagon again as always.
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I bloody love the web
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@doctorkk hi Alan. Will you be touring in UK soon?
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Soloing Molten Core. #awesomewarlock
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Everyone out there, put down your phone, stock Genesis song ‘mama’ on REALLY LOUD, and get goosebumps.
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World of warcraft while listening to holywood on new stereo.
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Finished worm game. Thought I’d then try out demonology spec.
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Worm game nearly finished. Should be online tomorrow.
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Ice to meet you #mcbain
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Currently building my version of Nokia ‘snake’ game. Coming soon for you all to enjoy. #davescreation
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#thingsineed half-eaten banana holder. Diagram coming later.
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Why did the html chicken cross the road? To get to the other aside! Chronic, I know.