It’s Kiki’s 5th Birthday today.
Well, we don’t know her exact date of birth, but do know she was thought to have been born in September 2019.
She’s a rescue you see.
My work buddy and little stalker. 💚
It’s really nice to get out early with Sherlock for walkies.
This one took a few days ago but wanted to share. 🐕🦺
Today we were hit by a surprise bout of heat and sunshine so i did something i haven’t done in a long time – sat out in a garden in a recliner chair.
I’d forgotten how nice it is to actually have a garden.
I thought this was well deserved as we had been on the go all day up to that point. This included me moving a load of my stuff to my lady’s for my week stay. Included in the move was Moomin, our little hamster.
Moomin hasn’t been well recently but today, rolling around in his ball in the garden, seemed to cheer him up. If you have a hamster you should get him / her out when you can and let them explore. There’s nothing Moomin enjoys more than running around freely in the living room; exploring the furthest reaches of his home.
I read an article this morning about a guy who blogged every day for a year and how it had accustomed him to noticing more of the smaller things in life. I have decided to try the same – this is actually my third day in a row so far so that’s good.
Some days the posts may be mundane while other days may have items of interest. However i will endeavour to find some nuggets of interest in those days that tend to be rinse and repeat, i.e. work days.
All the best,
If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.
Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.
I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.
Album on repeat
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All of my collected posts, grouped by year.