Tag: Stoicism
I love the idea and philosophy of Stoicism. In practice, however, it’s bloody difficult to live by after 39 years.
Will be working on this going forward.
Selected quotes from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Just some paragraphs from the book that rang a bell with me. Either for their meaning, or for how they sounded.
This collection is currently not finished – still picking out my favourite quotes. 🙂 — 14th January 2020
It was the critic Alexander who put me on my guard against unnecessary fault-finding. People should not be sharply corrected for bad grammar, provincialisms, or mispronunciation; it is better to suggest the proper expression by tactfully introducing it oneself in, say, one’s reply to a question or one’s acquiescence in their sentiments, or into a friendly discussion of the topic itself (not of the diction), or by some other suitable form of reminder.
Meditations, Book 1 — Paragraph 10
Wrong, wrong thou art doing to thyself, O my soul; and all too soon thou shalt have no more time to do thyself right. Man has but one life; already thine is nearing its close, yet still hast thou no eye to thine own honour, but art stalking thy happiness on the souls of other men.
Meditations. Book 2 — Paragraph 6
Never value the advantages derived from anything involving breach of faith, loss of self-respect, hatred, suspicion, or execration of others, insincerity, or the desire for something which has to be veiled and curtained.
Meditations, Book 3 — Paragraph 7
If the inward power that rules us be true to Nature, it will always adjust itself readily to the possibilities and opportunities offered by circumstance. It asks for no predeterminate material; in the pursuance of its aims it is willing to compromise; hindrances to its progress are merely converted into matter for its own use. It is like a bonfire mastering a heap of rubbish, which would have quenched a feeble glow; but its fiery blaze quickly assimilates the load, consumes it, and flames the higher for it.
Meditations, Book 4 — Paragraph 1