Adept Nemesis – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
Achieve a merciless victory with The Nemesis using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Buffy — Welcome to the Hellmouth (Series 1 Episode 1)
The opening episode to one of my favourite ever tv series. Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale and meets the people who will come to form her close circle of friends. I’m going to enjoy rewatching this series along with Angel when I get to it.
📂 Journal
Adept Leon – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
Escape with Leon using only his 3 unique perks in a public match.
Adept Jill – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
Escape with Jill using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
Insult and Injury – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
Escape a chase 50 times after stunning the Killer with a pallet in public matches.
Preemptive Strike – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
Hook a Survivor in a public match before any generators have been fully repaired.