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Migrating my website to Statamic

I love Laravel.

I also really like WordPress, for what it is. So when it came to originally putting my personal site together I just wanted to get a simple WordPress site together.

I have attempted to build my own website and blog in Laravel from scratch multiple times over the years. I even stuck with a build for a while but ultimately went back to WordPress.

My issue was only down to the fact that I wanted to write more in my own time and found I spent most my time tinkering.

But I really love Laravel.

So imagine my joy when I came across Statamic. Statamic is a CMS package that can be installed into a Laravel site and just works seamlessly alongside you Laravel code.

I am in the process of rebuilding my personal site and will be getting it live as soon as I can.

I think I will migrate my current site to a new domain, something like “davidpeach.me”, and then use the 4042302 technique to ensure my old posts are still found as I migrate the posts over.

I’m really looking forward to getting creative with Statamic and then layering on all of the excellent Laravel features as a way to learn as much, and refresh my mind, about my favourite framework.


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