These plugins I use in Neovim are ones I consider “passive”. That is, they just sit there doing their thing in the background to enhance my development experience.
Generally they wont offer extra keybindings or commands I will use day to day.
You can view all the plugins I use in my plugins.lua file in my dotfiles.
Vim-lastplace will remember the last edit position of each file you’re working with and place your cursor there when re-entering.
use "farmergreg/vim-lastplace"
Nvim-autopairs will automatically add closing characters when opening a “pair”, such as {
, [
and (
. It will then place your cursor between the two.
use "windwp/nvim-autopairs"
Neoscroll makes scrolling smooth in neovim.
use "karb94/neoscroll.nvim"
Vim-pasta will super-charge your pasting in neovim to preserve indents when pasting contents in with “p
” and “P
config = function()
vim.g.pasta_disabled_filetypes = { 'fugitive' }
Here I am passing a config function to disable vim-pasta for “fugitive” filetypes. “Fugitive” is in reference to the vim-fugitive plugin that I will explain in another post.
Nvim-colorizer will highlight any colour codes your write out.
use "norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua"