About to start walking dead series 3. I am giddy like a school girl. Even got the bows in my hair.
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Started added data into database for a medium sized side project. Clue: its a fan site for a 90s TV series…
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I don’t think I appreciated bat for lashes enough when saw them support Radiohead few years back.
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Since starting with google play all access, my taste in music has grown immensly. Listening to #batforlashes
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I think im possibly getting too excited about using ssh to get pics from on my laptop upstairs from desktop downstairs.
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@wufoo ‘s form builder was great to use. I have literally built a working for and added it to site in 5 minutes. Thanks guys!
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with @jekyllrb on @github pages, is there easy way to send ‘dist’ folder upto gh-pages, whilst sending rest to master? 2 sep repos at mo.
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The quality of shop service is dropping as assistants rely on customers using self service. Its for customer’s convenience, not assistant’s.
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