David Peach

  • @thefreelanceweb hey guys. Ive just discovered your show and have listened to all eps back to back awesome stuff. Thanks!


  • My new blog is built with @jekyllrb and hosted on @github pages.developing it with @yeoman was a dream. #thankstoallinvolved


  • Movin to @jekyllrb


  • @davatron5000 hows it going? Thanks for introducing jekyll on @ShopTalkShow im currently working on new blog in it. It… Is… Awesome.


  • I have just gained some serious AP. #ingress


  • In #blockstory can you share game saves on phone and pc version? Can i start game on pc and continue on phone and vice versa?


  • @mrdoob i started playing with #threejs last night. Awesome stuff. What would be best/free way of creating 3d game characters to build game?


  • Got at least 2 posts to write. 1 about setup, using + deploying node/express, and 1 about my first month with linux. Must pull my finger out


  • Anybody got a spare #arduino ?


  • @rockbot a week in to playing with node / express and i wanna make a #nodebot ! Where would you say is good / cheap place to start pls?


  • Just deployed my first node app to @heroku . Its only a fork of the angular express seed mind, but all the pieces are there now!


  • @andspo loved your talk tonight. And what a track to finish on!


  • Another great night @MKGeekNight . Too bad cant stay for pizzas. Gotta drive back to tamworth.


  • @sazzy awesome talk at @MKGeekNight tonight. Cheers!


  • @rem nodemon is frickin awesome. Thanks!


  • Think i might upgrade to @Linux_Mint 15 tonight. Many differences to 14?



If you want to search, or just get an overview of my stuff, the explore page is a good place to start.

Any interesting websites and/or people I have found online, I link them on my blogroll page.

I keep a record of things i use on my… well… my “uses” page.

Album on repeat