Honoured Ancestors
Honouring the memory of one’s ancestors is something that most people try to do – at least I like to think so. So it seems fitting that in Honoured Ancestors, Junji Ito should take this very human trait and turn the dial up to “weird” and give us a flesh and blood representation of ancestry.
📂 Manga
Leon “S.” Kennedy – Resident Evil 2
Complete Leon’s story on “Standard” or “Hardcore” with an S rank.
One Slick Super-spy – Resident Evil 2
Use only the EMF Visualizer to complete Ada’s gameplay segment.
Junji Ito takes on one of the most well-known horror stories of all time. He injects his signature style and atmosphere into the classic tale of man playing god.
📂 Manga
Devoted Gatekeeping – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, sacrifice all survivors before the last generator is repaired, 15 times.
Terminal Illness – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, with The Plague, down 50 Survivors affected by the maximum infection.
The Silent Scream (Hammer House of Horror episode 7)
The Silent Scream may be one of my favourite episodes from the Hammer House of Horror series. It doesn’t contain any deaths – not of people anyway – and doesn’t really have much in the way of gore. But where this episode excelled for me was on the psychological level.
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