Bloody Millionaire – Dead by Daylight
Accumulate a total of 1 million blood points. (blood points can be spent before reaching the total)
Blue Lips [Lady Wood Phase 2] by Tove Lo
Lady Wood was one of my favourite albums from last year and still gets regular plays in my headphones. I was excited to say the least when I heard about Tove Lo’s follow-up Blue Lips [Lady Wood Phase 2]. A continuation of Lady Wood This album felt more akin to the sweaty underground night clubs I…
📂 Journal
Before the Storm – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3 of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Drunk Drawer – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #9 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
A Penned Appendage – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #8 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
Spit Take – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #5 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
Monthly Masterpiece – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #4 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
Peer Review – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #3 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty
American Graffiti – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #1 in Episode 3: Hell Is Empty