Masseduction by St Vincent
Masseduction is the fifth album by alternative pop artist St Vincent – real name Annie Clark. It’s a showcase for her varied approaches to creating great music and never fails to deliver the goods. I had no prior experience with any of St Vincent’s music before hearing Masseduction. Within the first couple of songs, certainly…
📂 Journal
Too alive – Thoughts on the game Outlast
Dark, disturbing and utterly terrifying. I don’t think I’ve been quite so scared playing a game than I have been with Outlast. It came to a point where being killed was a blessed relief from then suspended tension. Things were always going to get bad for our hero, I just didn’t foresee how bad things would…
📂 Journal
Truth Seeker – Rise of the Tomb Raider
Collect 25% of all narrative assets (relics, murals and documents)
Shutout – Overwatch 2
Win a Control map without the enemy capturing an objective in Quick or Competitive Play.