Building systems for yourself to achieve your goals
Setting goals is the accepted way of aiming for those achievements you want to make. Write a book; buy a house; run a marathon. While having goals is important, more time should be focused on building systems for yourself. These should be designed to help you get there rather than just focusing on the end…
📂 Journal
The music of Twin Peaks : The Return
Twin Peaks has always been a show of, amongst many other things, great music. Not only is its soundtrack one of the most instantly recognisable from any show, but Julie Cruise’s performances too were unforgettable. It’s been great to see that the music in Twin Peaks The Return has pushed the music even more front…
📂 Journal
Twin peaks followed by Twin Peaks followed by Until Dawn. The evening is set.
📂 Journal🏷️ Twin Peaks
Until Dawn – First Impressions
Within the breathtaking landscape of the snowy mountains at night, a young couple play at snowball fighting. The pair are obviously an item and the soundtrack playing enforces the innocence and playfulness of youth. All would be fine and dandy if it wasn’t for the impending doom that leans over all of the characters. Until…
📂 Journal