Trying out Rise of the Tomb Raider on GNU\Linux
TLDR (Too long didn’t read) : It don’t work. 🙁 Linux gaming, for me at least, has always presented problems. The initial issue is the fact that the selection of games is very slim compared with what is available on Windows computers. I was however greatly pleased this month when Rocket League was finally made…
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Hazy (A Desert Opera) by Roslyn Moore
Like people who remember where they were when JFK was killed, or Princess Diana, I remember exactly where and when I first heard Hazy (A Desert Opera) by Roslyn Moore. I was in that midway state of consciousness between awake and asleep, listening to this album. I was enjoying it as an overall experience as…
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Churches by Scarlett Taylor
On my first hearing of Scarlett Taylor’s music I was reminded of Lana Del Rey and Chrysta Bell – both being artists I adore. But now I have listened to Scarlett’s second album “Churches” a few times, I now enjoy it on its own merits, no longer drawing comparisons to other artists. Churches is tagged…
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We don’t do friends round here. Round here it’s Brotherhood
I have been a big fan of both Kidulthood and Adulthood for a while now. I got really excited when I saw a bus drive past me recently with a big picture of Noel Clarke on the side. The only word I could make out as the bus sped past was “Brotherhood”. Realistic and brutal…
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5 of my favourite moments in Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! There are spoilers below as I am openly writing about some of my favourite moments in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Please don’t read on if you haven’t watched the whole series. Unless you don’t mind spoilers that is. Class Protector It seems unbelievable that, even within the world of Buffy, no-one had…
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Atlas by FM-84
FM-84 is one of the first artists I heard from out of the New Retro Wave genre of music. And his debut album, Atlas, is already a crowning achievement in his relatively new career. Every song has the perfect feel of 80’s Americana, or at least this Englishman’s idea of what that is. Of course my…
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