Making the landing page for #canvasloveballs Web app. Aiming to get the beta version online by Friday. Night all.
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So i’ve started digging into #wordpress and building a complete new theme for use when I move my site over to my other URL.
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Get back to your workstation!
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First film watched on #netflix . Rumble in the Bronx!
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You should hear me play Pi-an-ooooh #thequeenisdead
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My drawing Web app is well underway, and I’ll be sharing code on #github when complete.
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#automaticforthepeople Monty got a raw deal
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New contact lenses = Superman vision
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Found my canvas drawing webapp I made. Thought id lost it. Just working out all styling then I’ll upload to my site. Peace.
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@jensimmons just started listening to Web ahead. Learning loads, and catching up on old episodes. Cheers!
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Setting up #github for windows. Hoping it’ll get me out of using the command line…
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Where do my minecraft screenshots go? #minecraft
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Making a webapp for joint art creation, and using a setTimeout in a Web worker to look for database changes. Any better solutions?
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Planning a Web app for live collaboration on Web art. Will work natively in your browser from phone up to desktop. need a title. Ideas?
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Working on a decent size blog post about sass, compass and really wanna press it tonight. But alas I’m lagging. #patiencemyyoungpadawan