Finished the #GreatBirminghamRun half marathon in 2 hours 19mins. 2 minutes slower than last year. That’s gramps for ya.
Half-Marathon training starts this week
On the 16th October this year I will be taking part in my second half-marathon. This will be the same route in Birmingham, UK.
The last time I did it, which was last year, I managed to strain my knee whilst training as I tried running too far, too fast, too soon.
This time I am going to be following an 8-week training guide, building myself up slowly and hopefully beating my previous time of 2 hours 16 minutes.
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Bringing out the best in people
So I managed to complete the Birmingham half-marathon in 2 hours and 17 minutes. One of the things that has been imprinted on my memory is how the day seemed to bring out the best in all people.People all along the 13.1 mile route were handing out sweets, water, and shouts of encouragement directed at specific people – whether they were friends or not. Countless times I had people cheering me on from my name on my runners number.It makes all the difference.I especially found it great how even when running through areas of Birmingham that were less desirable – places where the people may normally be feared – had just the same encouragement and friendliness.
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2 hours till I begin my first half marathon in Birmingham today. Never has 13 miles seemed so far.
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Four days until the big run
In four days time, I’ll be doing the Birmingham half marathon along with a mate from work.
The gravity of what I have said I’ll do didn’t really hit me until earlier today, when we were looking over the route map and elevation.
13.1 miles it is and I know I’m going to feel every step. I’m both nervous and excited in equal measure.
I’m now starting to wish I had prepared more. The longest run I’ve done — at a steady pace — has been about 8 miles or so and since paintballing last weekend has given me achy muscles, I’ve had no option but to rest up.
I’m quietly confident that the cheering of the crowds and general good feelings of all involved will help me — and indeed everybody else — to make it through the race.
I just hope I have prepared enough.
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First proper run in about two weeks
I’ve been in training for a half-marathon on the 18th October and two weeks ago I injured my knee. Well, I say injured, it started aching badly the day after and so I had to take a week off. After said week, I went out again and half way through that run it started to twinge again. So I walked back. Another week or so has passed and I have been on a six-mile run earlier this evening. So far no pains and really hope not to have any tomorrow. If I have to walk this half-marathon I’m going to do it. My aim is to do the 13.1 miles in two hours or less.
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