Considering picking up Dead by Daylight again this time on ps4. Already have on steam but fancy the more relaxed horror.
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Life is Strange: Before the storm episode 2 (Brave New World)
Following on from, and topping, a previous instalment of Life Is Strange is always a mean feat to accomplish. However, as with all times previously, the creators have done it again with Before the Storm episode 2. Chloe’s path is cracking In the opening of episode 1, Chloe Price was still pretty innocent – albeit…
📂 Journal
Vanity Fare – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #9 in Episode 2: Brave New World
How to easily set a custom redirect in Laravel form requests
In Laravel you can create custom request classes where you can house the validation for any given route. If that validation then fails, Laravel’s default action is to redirect the visitor back to the previous page. This is commonly used for when a form is submitted incorrectly – The visitor will be redirected back to…
Friendly Forest Friends – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #6 in Episode 2: Brave New World
Wishlist – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #5 in Episode 2: Brave New World
Canon Wall – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #4 in Episode 2: Brave New World
Feels on Wheels – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #3 in Episode 2: Brave New World
Radical Piratical – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #2 in Episode 2: Brave New World
Stagehandwriting – Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete the optional graffiti #1 in Episode 2: Brave New World
English Pedigree – Rise of the Tomb Raider
Headshot an enemy with an arrow from a distance beyond 25m