There are no David Bowie albums that are not frickin awesome. What’s you’re fave peeps?
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Blog is coded! Just need styling finished then I’m online. Booya!
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Just watched Poseidon Adventure for the first time.
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McDonald’s is kinda like the band Oasis. You kinda like what they do, though you wont always admit it, and both attract cunts.
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@jeffrey_way hi there. Just rewatching your 30 days of jQuery. Love your teaching style. Just learnt about deferreds. Thanks!
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Nearly finished styling the worm game final version. compatible with mobile also!
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Evolution, not revolution. Cuz that’s me. I evolve, but I don’t revolve.
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Gonna give WordPress another go. Something tells me it will pay off if I persist. Night all.
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preventDefault(); FTW! Night all.