So it turns out that The Last of Us Grounded mode is actually pretty tough. Loving it! It’s put the scares and danger back into a game I’ve gotten used to completing.
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Thoughts on the film Joker
Joaquin Phoenix is probably my favourite representative of the character of Joker that I’ve seen on screen.
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Passive Observer – Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture
Discovered the power of interactivity by doing nothing at all
Thoughts on Rosemary’s Baby
The haunting story of a woman carrying her first child, struggling to keep it all together. However, she begins to suspect outside forces are working against her and her family’s safety. An absolute horror classic.
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Mosquitoes (Uzumaki part 10)
In mosquitoes, Kirie must survive an horrific night in the hospital when she comes face to face with blood-thirsty pregnant women.
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Grim Pilgrimage – Dead by Daylight • Set 2
In a public match, repair the generator in the upper level of the Shrine and escape.
Finally got my site to use the roots wordpress structure. Composer dependency management and deployment with laravel forge. 🤓
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