Tag: Writing

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    Keeping it up: An Introduction

    I was inspired by Jeremy Keith and his 100 words he has been publishing for the past 80 days. This is the same philosophy as The 100 days Project.I then heard the latest episode of Unfinished Business podcast where he, Jeffrey Zeldman and Andrew Clarke spoke about publishing on ones own site. Their conversation and views inspired me further.The discipline of doing something creative each and every day – no matter how quick or easy – sounded like something I’d like to try. To make myself create something every day and stop procrastinating. So this is it – my own approach to 100 words / 100 days. I will be writing an entry into this journal each and every day no matter how mundane it may be.I’m still thinking about whether or not to give myself some form of constaint. For example Jeremy’s daily journals have each been exactly 100 words. But I don’t want the thinking up of a constraint stop me from actually doing something, so I’ll just give it some thought.

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    Rinse and Repeat

    I find myself most nights tinkering in some way to my website with the goal of making it the best personal publishing platform it can be.

    The only problem is, is that because I spend the time tinkering with the site, I find myself not publishing as often as I’d like. I do write notes throughout the day which get published and shared out in most cases, but I’d like to be writing long form more often.

    So what I will try my best to do is write something everyday in a more long form style — within my journal section. I was inspired by Jeremy Keith’s 100 Words he has been writing every day. Its all about keeping the drive to produce results in whatever creative profession is yours -i no matter how busy you are or how you’re feeling.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what everyday writing will produce. Likely it will produce a bunch of ramblings on everyday things but maybe I’ll find a little gold nugget every once in a while.

    We shall see.