On Keeping a Commonplace book/site
From Wikipedia: As soon as I heard about the idea of a commonplace I was immediately interested and wanted to start keeping one myself. But then I soon realised — my website is kind of on the way to becoming what I would call my own commonplace. I tend to write about a bunch of…
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Fight Music — D12
The type of shit that causes mass confusionAnd drastic movement of people actin stupid Fight Music — D12
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Been learning to use Docker Swarm
Despite not yet managing to get what I have learnt implemented, I have nonetheless took on board some good concepts around docker and docker swarm
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The Art of Junji Ito: Twisted Visions can now be pre-ordered
The upcoming book, The Art of Junji Ito: Twisted Visions, is now available for pre-order at the following places: Amazon Book Depository Waterstones It will be officially released on the 14th May 2020. From the picture above it looks like its a good size too — a little larger than A4 size I reckon. All…
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New horror manga – Genkai Chitai (Disturbing Zone) released in Japan
Junji Ito has launched a brand new horror manga called Genkai Chitai, which is Japanese for Disturbing Zone.
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10 Albums that greatly influenced my taste in music
No explanations, no reviews, just album covers in alphabetical order. Thanks to Rafe for the inspiration for this.
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Will of the G – Resident Evil Resistance
Successfully use G-Birkin’s Overkill 2 times in a single match.
Far From Alive — Resident Evil 2 Rap
This rap song from “JT Music” is a decent rap song inspired by the Resident Evil 2 Remake game.
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