Category: Journal

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    Animal Farm by George Orwell

    All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.

    A single commandment

    The story of Manor Farm and the animals who revolt after being inspired to fight for a better life. But those who assume command inevitably become the enemy of the society they are trying to create.

    Animal Farm is a story that I was already aware of before reading β€” like many other people no doubt. I was aware of the rough idea of the animals taking over Manor Farm and eventually becoming a particular type of society. But even knowing this, I still enjoyed the book so much that I read it in two sittings pretty much.

    The language of the book was pretty simple and to-the-point β€” language that is too fancy and, dare I say it, flamboyant, tends to throw me off the story sometimes. But yes, Animal Farm delivered it’s message in a straight-forward and to-the-point way.

    I’m not sure if it was Orwell’s intention, or whether it was just my imagination working over it, but my internal pictures of the farm become more and more lacking in colour as it moved towards its conclusion. I pictured the farm and it’s inhabitants in a darkened black and white as they toiled over their labours towards the end.

    The pigs in the manor house, however, I pictured in full colour as the other animals watched on on that final scene from the window.

    I found some similar themes as I remember from Nineteen Eighty Four too. Namely the idea of rewriting history to suit the narrative being created by the ruling class. And then those under the boot just believe that they themselves must have been mistaken when originally reading their seven commandments.

    I knew that there was a reason this book was regarded as a classic. Now I understand why.

    Other book covers

    Here’s a collection of cool covers for Animal Farm that I’ve found. These could get added to over time if I stumble over some more.

    Pink Floyd’s Animals

    Animals by Pink Floyd is one of my favourite albums ever made. Definitely in my top 10. Until I read Animal Farm I hadn’t made the connection between it and that album. I mean how could I miss out on the giant inflatable pig and not link that with the pig in power from the book?

    Roger Waters inflatable pig

    Roger Waters, in his recent tours with his own solo band, has kept the spirit of this pig alive with warnings and messages to the people watching. Messages such as “Fear Builds Walls” and “Religions Divide Us“. Roger is one of my favourite artists from both his Pink Floyd-penned albums and his excellent solo material. I must write up my thoughts on his stuff soon.

    There is a decent article here that discusses some of the similar themes between the album and the book. It is written better that I could attempt right now.

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    Death Stranding finished. What an amazing experience. Now time to platinum it. πŸ˜…πŸ’š

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    Junji Ito inspirations in Diablo 4 game

    Diablo 4 gameplay preview

    It looks as though Junji Ito’s influence is being spread ever further, as described in this article on VG247. The upcoming game Diablo 4 seems to be taking some inspiration from the Horror Manga master:

    Ito is a man who managed to make fish scary, creating a story where they’re being mind-controlled by a sentient bacteria. He also has a thing for triggering people’s trypophobia so expect some disgusting enemy designs in Diablo 4 to match that inspiration.

    Diablo 4 inspired by Junji Ito Manga, by Kirk McKeand

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    Junji Ito Interview in The Winchester Mystery House

    An interesting 20-minute interview with Junji Ito as he is escorted around the Winchester Mystery House.

    I love how Ito’s favourite band is The Beatles!

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    Junji Ito cameo in Death Stranding?

    Death Stranding is easily one of the most hotly anticipated games of recent years. From the creative genius Hideo Kojima, this epic, world-traversing PS4 game is sure to push boundaries and impress in many ways.

    What I discovered today, is that there could very well be a cameo by none other that Junji Ito himself. Ito had previously been working with Kojima on the now-cancelled Silent Hills project. (I still shed a tear at the mere thought of what that could have become). But it seems that they have remained in touch.

    Here are the images I have found after somebody shared them on Facebook. I have yet to confirm these as being true, but I pray to the gods of horror that they are.

    Check out Death Stranding on the PlayStation Store!

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    Suspiria may be the single most evil film I’ve ever seen. The colours; the music; the suspense throughout. Just stunning.

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    Resident Evil : Project Resistance CLOSED BETA — my thoughts

    I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to open my email two weeks ago and find an invitation to the upcoming multiplayer game Resident Evil: Project Resistance. I had heard it referred to as “Resident Evil but done like Dead by Daylight”. But I’m here to tell you that it is so much more than that.

    I’ve always loved the classic Resident Evil games (from the original through to Code: Veronica – I haven’t played any more till Resident Evil 7: Biohazard). Resident Evil 7 rekindled my love of horror games and the Resident Evil 2 Remake rekindled my love of Raccoon City specifically. So when I had heard about an upcoming multiplayer game set in this world I jumped at the chance to enter into the closed BETA access ballot.

    I still can’t believe I got in.

    What is the aim of Project Resistance?

    You choose from one of two sides when entering into a game β€” you can be either one of four survivors, each with their own unique traits, or the Mastermind, who is trying to stop them from escaping. I found both sides fun in their own way, but the clear winner for me was playing as the Mastermind β€” especially when I got to jump into the skin of the Tyrant twice in each game (more on that later).

    Survivor goals

    As one of the four survivors your goal is to make it out of the match with your allies. This means fighting your way across three separate areas of the game map and out of the exit gate, all while the Mastermind throws everything at you from Lickers to Zombie Dogs.

    Each time you deal damage or complete objectives you get additional seconds added on to your team’s time to escape. And believe me when I say that every second counts. Each area has a simple puzzle to solve, which essentially involves exploring the environment for each part of a puzzle to unlock the next door.

    The survivors enter the last area

    Each area has a safe room where you can buy extra weapons, ammo and herbs with credits found within the map. These safe rooms can also be used as breathing spaces β€” The Mastermind is unable to send enemies in there after you.

    Mastermind goals

    As the lone Mastermind, your job is to stop the four survivors from making it through those three areas and out of the exit. You can throw anything at them that you have at your disposal, but there is a slight caveat.

    The Mastermind builds up a points gauge, about 1 point per five seconds I think. Those points can then be spent to play “enemy cards”. You see, each enemy you can place down in the map is represented by a card within your “deck”. Decks can be chosen before the match but the BETA was limited to a single selection. Those cards then become available on a rotation, allowing you to build up a good varied selection of enemies for the survivors to fight through.

    A Zombie dog for example takes 2 points to place down. It is a weaker enemy, but more can be placed down in succession. A Licker on the other hand is worth 7 points but is much stronger. So it will take slightly longer to build up to the points to place one of those down. So it’s all a bit of give and take.

    Downtown map view

    Another power gauge that builds up over time, separate from the card points gauge, is the ultimate weapon metre. The only Mastermind that was available to play in the BETA was “Daniel”, whose ultimate weapon is The Tyrant from the Resident Evil 2: Remake. The Tyrant card pops up once its metre is filled, after which you can place it for free. Once placed, you actually take control of the trench-coat-wearing machine!

    If you manage to keep the survivors occupied enough through the match, and their timer runs to zero, a gas will be released killing them all. If this happens then you have won the match.

    What I liked about Project Resistance

    I have to say that I pretty much liked everything about this game. Even though it was a BETA test, it felt really polished and I noticed absolutely zero bugs whilst playing. Capcom are one of the leaders of the pack when it comes to video games right now, at least in my opinion. I think a lot of what made this game feel so polished for me, was the use of their proprietary engine introduced in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and continued in Resident Evil 2 Remake β€” the “RE Engine”.

    I felt there was a good push and pull between the survivors and the Mastermind. Some games I would absolutely destroy the survivors, whilst in others they would escape with 8 minutes or so remaining. It will be interesting to see how this game gets altered, if at all, after they have sifted through all of the feedback from the testing weekend.

    An example of the cards to put enemies down

    What I disliked about Project Resistance

    As I said above, I pretty much like everything in this game. If I’m honest the only thing I found slightly frustrating, albeit only occasionally, was the enemy intelligence. I would sometimes see enemies just standing there whilst survivors ran around ahead of them. This happened rarely, but I assume it is one of those things that will get reviewed after testing. That’s what BETA testing is for, right?

    What I’d like to see in the Full Release of Project Resistance

    This was one of the questions on the feedback form and it really got me thinking about what I’d love to see in the final game. The DLC options here are almost limitless, but here are a few things I’d love to experience:

    Lots of maps.

    I’d love to be able to play through a bunch of locations from the Resident Evil universe. Even the Baker House would be a cool one for me. I think you could probably get about five or six maps from each Resident Evil Game.

    Some of my absolute dream maps would be:

    • The Baker’s Guest House from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.
    • Raccoon City Police Station from Resident Evil 2 (both versions? :))
    • Different areas of the Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil Remake
    • The Guest House from Resident Evil Remake
    Mr X watches as the dog attacks a survivor

    Lots of enemies

    Different enemies from across Resident Evil’s history would be so awesome. I could imagine putting a bee hive in the corner of a room, with the lights turned off, to be very annoying to survivors. πŸ˜€

    Some enemies I’d love to be able to place down:

    • Bee Hives from Resident Evil Remake
    • Moulded from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
    • Giant Spiders from Resident Evil Remake
    • “Possessed” Mia Winters from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard as an ultimate weapon
    • Jack Baker from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard as an ultimate weapon
    • Maybe the ability to place enemies outside of windows that would burst through when passed?

    Different Skins

    I think the idea of each survivor player having to choose a different character is an interesting one. But what I’d love to see would be for players to earn, or maybe purchase?, skins. So they still play the roles as either tank, damage, hacker etc but each person can go in looking like characters from the Resident Evil universe.

    Some characters I’d be super hyped to play as:

    • Leon Kennedy
    • Jill Valentine
    • Chief Irons? LOL
    • William Birkin (Imagine having a team comprised of the whole Birkin family :D)
    • Mia Winters

    In Conclusion

    I absolutely loved playing this game over the testing weekend and can not wait for it to be released in full. I will be buying it on its day of release.

    My first thoughts when hearing about its asymmetrical structure was that it would basically be Dead By Daylight but in the Resident Evil universe. But I am happy to say that this is not the case. Project Resistance is a game that sits on its own, taking interesting elements from different games. It has the puzzle solving aspect from its own world, it then takes the asymmetrical nature of other multiplayer games whilst putting its own spin on it. Mix those with the card point system from games like Clash Royale and you’ve got an interesting game that I’ll be playing the hell out of when it’s released.

    I’d like to also take this opportunity to thank Capcom for accepting me on to the BETA testing weekend. I managed to make a few friends jealous, as well as having some of the most fun moments I’ve had on the PS4 for a while.

    Gameplay footage β€” playing as Mastermind

    Me playing as Mastermind

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    The Bird with the Crystal Plumage was great! Another Dario Argento film off the list. πŸ’š