I enjoyed the new Ben Hur film
It’s always a risky undertaking when trying to re-make a classic film such as Ben Hur. I don’t have many memories of the original, in fact I only watched the first two thirds of it. I guess I never got round to finishing it. The original Ben Hur was a full-on epic, clocking in at…
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Interview with Scarlett Taylor
I get really excited when I find a new artist, whose music I can obsess over. I discovered Scarlett Taylor’s music on Soundcloud as part of a playlist. Specifically it was the song “Fucked Up” that grabbed me. As soon as I had listened to the song, along with it’s album, “Churches“, I immediately wanted…
My First Month in Rust – A Write Up
My first month in Rust has been a huge learning curve in the game, and I think it may have changed me… as a gamer. I wrote a post recently detailing seven tips for new players that I had picked up along the way. As it turns out there are some more tips I have, which…
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Life On The Road with David Brent
Last night I went with a friend of mine to see David Brent : Life on the Road. I think we both had mixed feelings about it initially – on one hand it’s great to see this character again, while on the other it chances hurting the mythology. I am happy to say that this…
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Down In A Hole by Kiefer Sutherland
I don’t normally keep an eye on country music album releases, but when I heard that Kiefer Sutherland had an upcoming album, I got excited to say the least. After getting over the fact that Jack Bauer was singing to me, and actually listened to the music itself, I found that I was really enjoying it on…
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Suicide Squad was a lot of fun
I keep seeing negative reviews of the Suicide Squad, but you know what? I had fun, dammit. Suicide Squad was a lot of fun – there, I said it. Don’t go into this film expecting much more than it is – an action-packed, romping, stomping arcade of cinema fun. Because that is what it is. I did however…
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Stranger Things Series One – A Write Up
Think of The Goonies crossed with The X-Files, with a dash of Silent Hill. This is the best one line intro I could think of for Stranger Things that I hadn’t heard before. It is the story of a small group of friends who are investigating the disappearance of their friend, Will. Will is seen…
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An Interview with Hannah Grace
One of my favourite E.Ps to come out so far has been Hannah Grace’s Mustang. Such great music – and with a good variety in its four songs. I am really looking forward to a full length album by her in the near future. I have been lucky enough to be able to interview Hannah…
My First Day in Firewatch – A Write Up
Earlier on today I bought Firewatch for P.C. after hearing great reviews about it. Those reviews so far seem to be spot on. My first day in Firewatch was an interesting one. The opening intersects a multiple-choice backstory for the main character with his trekking to his new place of work. The telling of this…
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My taste in music and how it’s grown over the years
In the beginning Growing up with great parents, I took a lot of my early tastes in music from them – my Dad specifically. But through growing up and exploring new styles, my taste in music has grown significantly. I started by hearing bands like Fleetwood Mac; Supertramp; Meat Loaf; Whitesnake; to name a few,…
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Half-Marathon training starts this week
On the 16th October this year I will be taking part in my second half-marathon. This will be the same route in Birmingham, UK. The last time I did it, which was last year, I managed to strain my knee whilst training as I tried running too far, too fast, too soon. This time I…
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Star Trek Beyond was pretty good
Today me and my good lady went to see the new Star Trek film, Star Trek: Beyond. I had no expectations for it – I was neither excited or anticipating it to be bad; I just went and watched a film at the cinema. And as it turned out I enjoyed it. This film felt like…
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