All in all – thoughts of Roger Waters The Wall
A slow, winding blade of green weaves across the ever-growing familiar white brickwork from the left side of the stage. Then another from the right. They wind slowly across the length of the wall – both to the centre and up – until they blend seamlessly into one of the most iconic animations from The…
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First proper run in about two weeks
I’ve been in training for a half-marathon on the 18th October and two weeks ago I injured my knee. Well, I say injured, it started aching badly the day after and so I had to take a week off. After said week, I went out again and half way through that run it started to…
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I’m so ready for Roger Waters’ The Wall tomorrow night. It could very well be my favourite musical journey through an album I’ve ever been on.
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I have just come across some functionality in my site that has a genuine need for a trait.
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Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet
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Trying to get SMS posting to my website working this late at night. What was I thinking. Nearly there though I think.
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Facebook is a cancer on the web
I commute into Birmingham each day to work and see people on there phones and tablets passing the time. I’m a bit of a nosy git, so I can’t help but take a glance at what they’re looking at. I’m always disheartened when I see — most of the time — it ends up being…
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So planning and building an e-commerce CMS is harder than it seemed at first. Not that I thought it would be easy.
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100 days 2015 – 10 days in
For the past ten days I have been doing the 100 day challenge. I decided to have a go at building my own e-commerce CMS. I don’t have a big passion for e-commerce. In fact most of the time I work with e-commerce it frustrates me. But then I always remember hearing the old saying:…
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