Setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana using Docker for local development
How to set up Kibana and Elasticsearch locally, within Docker containers.
Install MongoDB with Docker for local development
Pull the docker image for mongo down to your computer. docker pull mongo Run the mongo container in the background, isolated from the rest of your computer. # Command explained belowdocker run -d -p 27017:27017 –name mongodb mongo -v /data/db:/data/db What I love about this approach is that I don’t start muddying up my computer…
Bulk converting large PS4 screenshot png images into 1080p jpg’s
A niche example of how I bulk convert my screenshots to make them more website-friendly.
Updating PHP versions in Ubuntu 20.04
Installing an older PHP version and switching to it in Ubuntu.
How I would set up Laravel with Docker
This is a quick brain dump for myself to remember how I set up Laravel with Docker. Hopefully it can help others out also.
Setting up my own Nextcloud (Version 16)
Setting up your very own Nextcloud server from scratch. This has been tested with version 15 and 16 of the software. Any questions, please do contact me.
How to easily set a custom redirect in Laravel form requests
In Laravel you can create custom request classes where you can house the validation for any given route. If that validation then fails, Laravel’s default action is to redirect the visitor back to the previous page. This is commonly used for when a form is submitted incorrectly – The visitor will be redirected back to…
Laravel Blade push and stack
Laravel’s blade view compiler is second to none. I’ve used a couple of different templating engines and blade is by far my favourite. Including Partials The way in which we include partials of views within our main views is as follows:@include(‘partials.my-first-partial’)It will inject that partial’s content in the specified place. Defining Sections Within our views,…
Bypassing Laravel’s CSRF Middleware on selected routes (from 5.1)
A handy way to have some of your routes skip the middleware for CSRF protection. Handy in some situations.
My IndieWeb Setup
Please note: This is now out of date somewhat This post is an outline of my IndieWeb setup. I describe some of the key plugins I have installed as well as third party services I use. All of which play nicely together for the IndieWeb.Built with WordPressMy personal site is built using WordPress and is…
WordPress “Must Use” Plugins Directory
The Issue I wanted to build a site with some custom post types, taxonomies and the like. But what if somebody who has used my theme decided to try another theme later on? What guarantee do they have that those custom post types will be recognized by a future theme? None — that’s what. WordPress…
WYSIWYGs will kill us all
So okay, maybe they wont literally kill us all, but you’ve got to admit — they can be pretty damn annoying. At least with ones I have used. I’m not dissing wysiwygs — just what they get used for. Firstly let me just say that I use a wysiwyg editor on my own blog and…
HTML 5: Omitting unnecessary speech marks
In my last post I described how it is possible to cut down on your HTML filesize and save some time in your coding by omitting optional closing tags. As a follow up to that post I thought I’d also describe another process to save even more on your filesize and a little bit more…
HTML5: On removing optional closing tags
Firstly, an example of some html… Lovely and semantic. Now, there’s nothing at all wrong with what I’ve written above. This article is all about showing you how there are certain things in your HTML that can be left out, without breaking any part of it. You can actually omit many closing tags and still…
CSS… how to use sass and compass: Part Two
Please note: for the sake of brevity, when using sass and compass, I refer to them both as compass. Following on from our previous tutorial, I would like to introduce you to @import. @import is a css feature that will allow you to import stylesheets into one another. For example: This will bring in ‘normalize.css’…