I’ve been neglecting my website for a week or two. Even though most of it is drivel that’s only applicable to me, I think it’s important for us to have our own place on the web – one that isn’t locked in to somebody else’s garden. I.e. Facebook, Twitter etc.
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Recovered Supply Raider – The Last of Us
Complete a game of Supply Raid on Wharf, Capitol, Water Tower or Coal Mine
Lloyds bank staff sat on train look to have same branding guidelines as the train. Just saying.
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Laravel Blade push and stack
Laravel’s blade view compiler is second to none. I’ve used a couple of different templating engines and blade is by far my favourite. Including Partials The way in which we include partials of views within our main views is as follows:@include(‘partials.my-first-partial’)It will inject that partial’s content in the specified place. Defining Sections Within our views,…
How Chas and Dave ended up on an Eminem track
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