Rode a Charger, Bristleback, and Clawstrider.
Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts – Horizon Forbidden West
Completed all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.
Installing and setting up github cli
What is the github cli
The Github CLI tool is the official Github terminal tool for interacting with your github account, as well as any open source projects hosted on Github.
I’ve only just begun looking into it but am already trying to make it part of my personal development flow.
You can see the installation instructions here, or if you’re running on Arch Linux, just run this:
sudo pacman -S github-cli
Once installed, you should be able to run the following command and see the version you have installed:
gh --version
Before interacting with your github account, you will need to login via the cli tool.
Generate a Github Personal Access Token
Firstly, I generate a personal access token on the Github website. In my settings page I head to “Developer Settings” > “Personal Access Tokens” > “Tokens (classic)”.
I then create a new “classic” token (just my preference) and I select all permissions and give it an appropriate name.
Then I create it and keep the page open where it displays the access token. This is for pasting it into the terminal during the authentication flow next.
Go through the Github CLI authentication flow
Start the authentication flow by running the command:
gh auth login
The following highlights are the options I select when going through the login flow. Your needs may vary.
What account do you want to log into? > > Github Enterprise Server What is your preferred protocol for Git operations? > HTTPS > SSH Upload your SSH public key to your Github account? > /path/to/.ssh/ > Skip How would you like to authenticate Github CLI? > Login with a web browser > Paste an authentication token
I then paste in the access token from the still-open tokens page, and hit enter.
You should see it correctly authenticates you and displays who you are logged in as.
Check out the official documentation to see all of the available actions you can perform on your account.
Adding Laravel Jetstream to a fresh Laravel project
I only have this post here as there was a couple of extra steps I made after regular installation, which I wanted to keep a note of.
Here are the changes made to my Inventory Manager.
Follow the Jetstream Installation guide
Firstly I just follow the official installation guide.
When it came to running the Jetstream install command in the docs, this was the specific flavour I ran:
php artisan jetstream:install livewire --pest
This sets it up to use Livewire, as I wanted to learn that along the way, as well as setting up the Jetstream tests as Pest ones.
Again, I’m not too familiar with Pest (still loving phpunit) but thought it was worth learning.
Enable API functionality
I want to build my Inventory Manager as a separate API and front end, so I enabled the API functionality after install.
Enabling the built-in API functionality, which is Laravel Sanctum by the way, is as easy as uncommenting a line in your
file:'features' => [ // Features::termsAndPrivacyPolicy(), // Features::profilePhotos(), Features::api(), // Features::teams(['invitations' => true]), Features::accountDeletion(), ],
line should be commented out by default; just uncomment it and you’re good to go.Setup Pest testing
The only thing that tripped me up was that I hadn’t previously setup pest, which was causing the Jetstream tests to fail.
So I ran the following command, which is modified for my using Laravel Sail, from the Pest Documentation:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan pest:install
I then also added the
trait to my./tests/TestCase.php
file.Then all of my tests pass.
That is Jetstream setup and ready to continue for me.
Chose a Desert Commander – Horizon Forbidden West
Aided both Drakka and Yarra and chose the better candidate.
How I organize my Neovim configuration
The entry point for my Neovim Configuration is the
My entrypoint file simply requires three other files:
require 'user.plugins' require 'user.options' require 'user.keymaps'
file is where I’m using Packer to require plugins for my configuration. I will be writing other posts around some of the plugins I use soon.The
file is where I set all of the Neovim settings. Things such as mapping my leader key and setting number of spaces per tab:vim.g.mapleader = " " vim.g.maplocalleader = " " vim.opt.expandtab = true vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 vim.opt.tabstop = 4 vim.opt.softtabstop = 4 ...etc...
Finally, the
file is where I set any general keymaps that aren’t associated with any specific plugins. For example, here I am remapping the arrow keys to specific buffer-related actions:-- Easier buffer navigation. vim.keymap.set("n", "
", ":bp ", { noremap = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", " ", ":bn ", { noremap = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", " ", ":bd ", { noremap = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", " ", ":%bd ", { noremap = true, silent = true }) In that example, the left and right keys navigate to previous and next buffers. The down key closes the current buffer and the up key is the nuclear button that closes all open buffers.
Plugin-specific setup and mappings
For any plugin-specific setup and mappings, I am using Neovim’s “after” directory.
Basically, for every plugin you install, you can add a lua file within a directory at
from the root of your Neovim configuration.So for example, to add settings / mappings for the “vim-test” plugin, I have added a file at:
with the following contents:vim.cmd([[ let test#php#phpunit#executable = 'docker-compose exec -T laravel.test php artisan test' let test#php#phpunit#options = '--colors=always' let g:test#strategy = 'neovim' let test#neovim#term_position = "vert botright 85" let g:test#neovim#start_normal = 1 ]]) vim.keymap.set('n', '
tn', ':TestNearest ', { silent = false }) vim.keymap.set('n', ' tf', ':TestFile ', { silent = false }) vim.keymap.set('n', ' ts', ':TestSuite ', { silent = false }) vim.keymap.set('n', ' tl', ':TestLast ', { silent = false }) vim.keymap.set('n', ' tv', ':TestVisit ', { silent = false }) This means that these settings and bindings will only be registered after the vim-test plugin has been loaded.
I used to just have extra required files in my main init.lua file, but this feels so much more cleaner in my opinion.
Update: 9th February 2023 — when setting up Neovim on a fresh system, I notice that I get a bunch of errors from the after files as they are executing on boot, before I’ve actually installed the plugins. I will add protected calls to the plugins soon to mitigate these errors.
Starting a new Laravel 9 project
Whenever I start a new Laravel project, whether that’s a little side-project idea or just having a play, I try to follow the same process.
I recently read Steve’s post here on starting your first Laravel 9 Application, so thought I would write down my own setup.
Whereas Steve’s guide walks you through the beginnings of building a new app, I’m only going to show what I do to get a new project in a ready state I’m happy with before beginning a build.
This includes initial setup, static analysis, xdebug setup and CI pipeline setup (with Github Actions).
Before starting, I already have docker and docker-compose installed for my system (Arch Linux BTW).
Oh and
is installed, which is used for pulling the project down in the initial setup.Other than that, everything that is needed is contained within the Docker containers.
I then use Laravel’s quick setup from their documentation.
Initial setup
Using Laravel’s magic endpoint here, we can get a new Laravel project setup with docker-compose support right out of the box. This could take a little time — especially the first time your run it, as it downloads all of the docker images needed for the local setup.
curl -s | bash
At the end of the installation, it will ask you your password in order to finalise the last steps.
Once finished, you should be able to start up your new local project with the following command:
cd my-new-site ./vendor/bin/sail up -d
If you now direct your browser to
, you should see the default Laravel landing page.
Code style fixing with Laravel Pint
Keeping a consistant coding style across a project is one of the most important aspects of development — especially within teams.
Pint is Laravel’s in-house development library to enable the fixing of any deviations from a given style guide, and is actually included as a dev dependancy in new Laravel projects.
Whether you accept it’s opinionated defaults or define your own rules in a “pint.json” file in the root of your project, is up to you.
In order to run it, you simply run the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail bin pint
A fresh installation of Laravel should give you no issues whatsoever.
I advise you to make running this command often — especially before making new commits to your version control.
Static Analysis with Larastan
Static analysis is a great method for testing your code for things that would perhaps end up as run time errors in your code later down the line.
It analyses your code without executing it, and warns of any bugs and breakages it finds. It’s clever stuff.
Install Larastan with the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail composer require nunomaduro/larastan:^2.0 --dev
Create a file called “phpstan.neon” in the root of your project with the following contents:
includes: - ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon parameters: paths: - app/ # Level 9 is the highest level level: 5
Then run the analyser with the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail bin phpstan analyse
You can actually set the level in your phpstan.neon file to 9 and it will pass in a fresh Laravel application.
The challenge is to keep it passing at level 9.
Line by Line debugging with Xdebug
At the time of writing, xdebug does come installed with the Laravel sail dockerfiles. However, the setup does need an extra step to make it work fully (at least in my experience)
There are two parts to xdebug to think about and set up.
Firstly is the server configuration — this is the installation of xdebug on the php server and setting the correct configuration in the
file.The second part is setting up your IDE / PDE to accept the messages that xdebug is sending from the server in order to display the debugging information in a meaningful way.
I will show here what is needed to get the server correctly set up. However, you will need to look into how your chosen editor works to receive xdebug messages. VS Code has a plugin that is apparently easy to setup for this.
I use Neovim, and will be sharing a guide soon for how to get debugging with xdebug working in Neovim soon.
Enable Xdebug in Laravel Sail
In order to “turn on” xdebug in Laravel Sail, we just need to enable it by way of an environment variable in the
file.Inside your project’s
file, put the following:SAIL_XDEBUG_MODE=develop,debug
Unfortunately, in my own experience this hasn’t been enough to have xdebug working in my editor (Neovim). And looking around Stack Overflow et. al, I’m not the only one.
However, what follows is how I get the xdebug server correctly configured for me to debug in Neovim. You will need to take an extra step or two for your editor of choice in order to receive those xdebug messages and have them displayed for you.
Publish the Sail runtime files
One thing Laravel does really well, is creating sensible defaults with the ease of overriding those defaults — and Sail is no different.
Firstly, publish the Laravel sail files to your project root with the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan sail:publish
Create an xdebug ini file
After publishing the sail stuff above, you will have a folder in the root of your project called “docker”. Within that folder you will have different folders for each of the supported PHP versions.
I like to use the latest version, so I would create my xdebug ini file in the
directory, at the time of writing.I name my file
, and add the following contents to it. You may need extra lines added depending on your IDE’s setup requirements too.[xdebug] xdebug.start_with_request=yes xdebug.discover_client_host=true xdebug.max_nesting_level=256 xdebug.client_port=9003 xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.client_host=host.docker.internal
Add a Dockerfile step to use the new xdebug ini file
Within the Dockerfile located at ./docker/8.2/Dockerfile, find the lines near the bottom of the file that are copying files from the project into the container, and add another copy line below them as follows:
COPY start-container /usr/local/bin/start-container COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf COPY php.ini /etc/php/8.2/cli/conf.d/99-sail.ini COPY ext-xdebug.ini /etc/php/8.2/cli/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini
Optionally rename the docker image
It is recommended that you rename the image name within your project’s
file, towards the top:laravel.test: build: context: ./docker/8.2 dockerfile: Dockerfile args: WWWGROUP: '${WWWGROUP}'
image: sail-8.2/appimage: renamed-sail-8.2/appThis is only if you have multiple Laravel projects using sail, as the default name will clash between projects.
Rebuild the Image.
Now we need to rebuild the image in order to get our new xdebug configuration file into our container.
From the root of your project, run the following command to rebuild the container without using the existing cache.
./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache
Then bring the containers up again:
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
Continuous Integration with Github Actions
I use Github for storing a backup of my projects.
I have recently started using Github’s actions to run a workflow for testing my code when I push it to the repository.
In that workflow it first installs the code and it’s dependancies. It then creates an artifact tar file of that working codebase and uses it for the three subsequent workflows I run after, in parallel: Pint code fixing; Larastan Static Analysis and Feature & Unit Tests.
The full ci workflow file I use is stored as a Github Gist. Copy the contents of that file into a file located in a
directory. You can name the file itself whatever you’d like. A convention is to name it “ci.yml”.The Github Action yaml explained
When to run the action
Firstly I only want the workflow to run when pushing to any branch and when creating pull requests into the “main” branch.
on: push: branches: [ "*" ] pull_request: branches: [ "main" ]
Setting up the code to be used in multiple CI checks.
I like to get the codebase into a testable state and reuse that state for all of my tests / checks.
This enables me to not only keep each CI step separated from the others, but also means I can run them in parallel.
setup: name: Setting up CI environment runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: shivammathur/setup-php@15c43e89cdef867065b0213be354c2841860869e with: php-version: '8.1' - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Copy .env run: php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');" - name: Install Dependencies run: composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress --prefer-dist - name: Generate key run: php artisan key:generate - name: Directory Permissions run: chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache - name: Tar it up run: tar -cvf setup.tar ./ - name: Upload setup artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: setup-artifact path: setup.tar
This step creates an artifact tar file from the project that has been setup and had its dependancies installed.
That tar file will then be called upon in the three following CI steps, extracted and used for each test / check.
Running the CI steps in parallel
Each of the CI steps I have defined — “pint”, “larastan” and “test-suite” — all require the “setup” step to have completed before running.
pint: name: Pint Check runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup steps: - name: Download Setup Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: setup-artifact - name: Extraction run: tar -xvf setup.tar - name: Running Pint run: ./vendor/bin/pint
This is because they all use the artifact that is created in that setup step. The artifact being the codebase with all dependancies in a testable state, ready to be extracted in each of the CI steps.
pint: name: Pint Check runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup steps: - name: Download Setup Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: setup-artifact - name: Extraction run: tar -xvf setup.tar - name: Running Pint run: ./vendor/bin/pint
Those three steps will be run in parallel as a default; there’s nothing we need to do there.
Using the example gist file as is, should result in a full passing suite.
Further Steps
That is the end of my starting a new Laravel project from fresh, but there are other steps that will inevitably come later on — not least the Continuous Delivery (deployment) of the application when the time arrises.
You could leverage the excellent Laravel Forge for your deployments — and I would actually recommend this approach.
However, I do have a weird interest in Kubernetes at the moment and so will be putting together a tutorial for deploying your Laravel Application to Kubernetes in Digital Ocean. Keep an eye out for that guide — I will advertise that post on my Twitter page when it goes live.
Given, When, Then — how I approach Test-driven development in Laravel
Laravel is an incredible PHP framework and the best starting point for pretty much any web-based application (if writing it in PHP, that is).
Along with it’s many amazing features, comes a beautiful framework from which to test what you are building.
For the longest time I cowered at the idea of writing automated tests for what I built. It was a way of working that was brought in by a previous workplace of mine and my brain fought against it for ages.
Since that time a few years ago I slowly came to like the idea of testing. Then over the past year or so I have grown to love it.
I have met some people that are incredibly talented developers, but for me made the prospect of automated testing both confusing and intimidating.
That was until I came across Adam Wathan’s excellent Test Driven Laravel course. He made testing immediately approachable and broke it down into three distinct phases (per test): “Given”, “When” and “Then”. Also known as “Arrange”, “Act” and “Assert”. I forget which phrase he used, but either way the idea is like this.
“Given” this environment
The first step is to set up the “world” in which the test should happen.
One example would be if you were building an API that would return PlayStation game data to you. In order to return games, there must be games there to return.
In Laravel we have factories that we can create for quickly creating test entries for our models. Here is an example of a Game model that uses its factory to create a game for us:
$game = Game::factory()->create([ 'title' => 'The Last of Us part 2', 'developer' => 'Naughty Dog', ]);
“When” this thing I want to test happens
Here you would do the thing that you are testing.
Maybe that is sending some data to an API endpoint in your application. Or perhaps you are testing a single utility class can do a specific action, so you call the method on that class.
Here, let’s continue the idea of return games from an api call. We’ll use the
variable from the previous example and access its ID to build ourGET
endpoint:$response = $this->json('get', '/api/games/' . $game->id,);
Here the
variable gets the response from the json get call, allowing you to later make assertions against it.“Then” I should see this particular outcome
In this last step you would make assertions against what has happened. This could be checking if a record exists in a database with specific values, or asserting that an email got sent.
Basically anything you need to make sure happened, or didn’t happen, for you to be sure you are getting your desired functionality.
Let’s finish our game example by asserting that we got json back with the expected data. We do this by calling the appropriate method off of the
variable from the previous example.$response->assertJson([ 'title' => 'The Last of Us part 2', 'developer' => 'Naughty Dog', ]);
The full example test code
$game = Game::factory()->create([ 'title' => 'The Last of Us part 2', 'developer' => 'Naughty Dog', ]); $response = $this->json('get', '/api/games/' . $game->id,); $response->assertJson([ 'title' => 'The Last of Us part 2', 'developer' => 'Naughty Dog', ]);
Much more to explore
There is so much to automated testing and I’m still relatively new to it all myself.
You can “fake” other things in your application in order to not run live things in tests. For example when testing emails are sent you don’t really want to be actually sending emails when you run your tests. Therefore you would “fake” the functionality of sending the mail.
I hope that this post has been an easy-to-follow intro to how I myself approach testing.
I have found that even as my tests have gotten more complex in certain situations, I still always stick to the same structural idea:
- Given this is the world my code lives in.
- When I perform this particular action.
- Then I should see this specific outcome.
Upgraded Every Pouch Type – Horizon Forbidden West
Upgraded the Food Pouch, Potion Pouch, Resource Pouch, Trap Pouch, and any ammo pouch at least once.