World of warcraft while listening to holywood on new stereo.
Author: David Peach
Finished worm game. Thought I’d then try out demonology spec.
Worm game nearly finished. Should be online tomorrow.
Ice to meet you #mcbain
Currently building my version of Nokia ‘snake’ game. Coming soon for you all to enjoy. #davescreation
#thingsineed half-eaten banana holder. Diagram coming later.
Why did the html chicken cross the road? To get to the other aside! Chronic, I know.
@aTelecine your music is awesome. if ya need any guitar ambient noise like noise from a random fan, I’d love to contribute!
Anyone who hasn’t already, listen to the TRON:Legacy soundtrack. It kicks bee – hind.
Sat in Co-op cafe listening to blue oyster cult. #avit
@RealCliveBarker just started reading abarat again. I love that place! Thanks.
Google Earth is the tits!
You know ya love it people.
Listening to Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me soundtrack. Awesome!
Would you trust your childs life on this, to a character whose most well known act was falling off a wall?
Why doesn’t my map from google maps not display? After 30 mins I figured it out. Make sure it’s container has height of more than 0px. Doh.