California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and the Papas

Something in this song feels haunting to me. I can’t quite place my finger on it. It could be the way that each of their voices meets in that ethereal plane that few bands have managed to reach.

Stopped into a church I passed along the way.
Well, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees) And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)

California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and the Papas

Something in this song feels haunting to me. I can’t quite place my finger on it. It could be the way that each of their voices meets in that ethereal plane that few bands have managed to reach – a sound that I associate with the golden age of music, at least in my opinion.

I remember watching part of a film in college film studies called “Chungking Express“, which featured this song prominently. I never really paid attention to that film, but I can’t help but feel I should go back and watch it now I’m older and… wiser?

Started to learn Rust

Today is the day when I start to learn the Rust programming language.

Today is the day when I finally started to learn a new programming language — one that I have never touched before. I had briefly touched on and considered Go. However, I have settled on Rust.

It is the first compiled language that I have started to learn and am looking forward to the challenges it will bring.

I will also be doing my best to blog about things I learn — much of it probably in more of a brain-dump format — to both help others as well as reinforcing my own learning.

If I start rebuilding my website in Laravel yet again, I really need to see it through and commit to it. If the last couple of weeks have taught me anything it’s that I love working with Laravel.

Let’s see how this goes.

Sebastian Cabrol — Argentinian illustrator

I discovered this artist a while back on Facebook. However, like most things my reminder of him sat hidden in my saved posts — hence my page here.

These are the initial images that I was shown in that first post. I will title them as I learn them and find some favourites when I become more versed in Sebastian’s work.

Quick Facts

  • Sebastian has worked on Marvel comic ‘Falcon’ – His issues.

External Links

On Keeping a Commonplace book/site

From Wikipedia:

Commonplace books (or commonplaces) are a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books. They have been kept from antiquity, and were kept particularly during the Renaissance and in the nineteenth century. Such books are essentially scrapbooks filled with items of every kind: recipes, quotes, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, proverbs, prayers, legal formulas. Commonplaces are used by readers, writers, students, and scholars as an aid for remembering useful concepts or facts. Each one is unique to its creator’s particular interests but they almost always include passages found in other texts, sometimes accompanied by the compiler’s responses. They became significant in Early Modern Europe.
Wikipedia extract on Commonplace books.

As soon as I heard about the idea of a commonplace I was immediately interested and wanted to start keeping one myself. But then I soon realised — my website is kind of on the way to becoming what I would call my own commonplace. I tend to write about a bunch of things that interest me, and had even begun saving quotes from the few books I read.

Not only will this give me a new angle at which to come at mt personal site from, I think it will even aid in ridding me of the occasional writer’s block, whatever that is. If I start writing little and often — some personal notes and some posts — it can only do good things for my writing habits. 🙂

External Links

How and why to keep a commonplace bookRyan Holiday.


Mark Twain’s Marginalia.

Everyone Should Keep A Commonplace Book: Great Tips From People Who Do.

All about commonplacing.

How to Keep a Digital Commonplace.