Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
Not Just Any Object – Resident Evil
Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
love a good story
Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill.
Finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill.
Finish the game using Jill.
Finish the game using Jill.
Save Chris from confinement using Jill.
Save Chris from confinement using Jill.
Break into the laboratory using Jill.
Break into the laboratory using Jill.
Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.
Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.
Defeat Black Tiger.
Defeat Black Tiger.
Defeat Yawn using Jill.
Defeat Yawn using Jill.
Defeat a Hunter.
Defeat a Hunter.
Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.
Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.
Defeat mother Neptune.
Defeat mother Neptune.
Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.
Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.
Survive your first encounter with Yawn.
Survive your first encounter with Yawn.
Burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter.
Burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter.