Uninstalled Resident Evil 0. That game is infuriating. Maybe I’ll try again in 2022.
Completely forgot Cradle of Filth did a cover of Devil Woman. Incredible. 💚
I’m so addicted to Death Stranding right now. Just the feeling of packing my truck full of lost cargo, planning a route, and driving around various people to deliver is soooo relaxing. This game is such a meditative experience.
Watching The people under the stairs
An image from an old film haunted me for some years in my childhood. Only recently did I discover somehow, without watching it, that the image was from The people under the stairs.
Now I’m going back in to a film I may have seen as a child and possibly blocked out, out of trauma.
This film was amazing. I need to write up some thoughts on it soon.
Watching Friday the 13th part 2
Loved the first film but have never got round to watching the others. It’s about time I remedied that.
Watching Ratched S01E01 — Pilot
Starting Resident Evil 4. Let’s do this.
Watching Five Dolls for an August Moon by Mario Bava.
Watching Deep Red.
If you’re commenting on The Last Of Us Part 2 with criticism “Bad Storytelling”, then you don’t know what Storytelling is.
Get your dummies back in your prams, accept that you simply didn’t like it (bet most of you didn’t play it), and just move on.
It’s okay not to like something.
Really need to get back on these. Still haven’t played the 4th one at all.
Days Gone has been absolutely incredible. Couple of buggy moments but on the whole loved the whole game and loving my hunt for the platinum trophy
So it turns out that The Last of Us Grounded mode is actually pretty tough. Loving it! It’s put the scares and danger back into a game I’ve gotten used to completing.
Finally got my site to use the roots wordpress structure. Composer dependency management and deployment with laravel forge. 🤓
Death Stranding finished. What an amazing experience. Now time to platinum it. 😅💚
Suspiria may be the single most evil film I’ve ever seen. The colours; the music; the suspense throughout. Just stunning.