There’s a girl fighting with a bloody slingshot.
Looking forward to Interstellar this weekend. Not sure whether to go Imax or not. Suggestions?
Kate, in her very nature, is inconsistant.
Sawyer is having sexy times.
Oh my god Ben was lying. This programme will finish me.
Sawyer’s got a bloody pacemaker now! This is emotional.
The Rocky IV soundtrack goes up to eleven when you’ve got some decent bass behind it. What have I been missing!?!
Really excited about the redesign of my Dad’s new website. Can’t wait to get it live.
New headphones sound bloody brilliant. Listening to “Everybody wants to rule the world” cover by Lorde. Phenomenal.
Locke has just been on a vision quest. Technolojesus.
This is getting mental. They’ve got their own little town!?!
So hang on a sec. Are they all in… one giant hatch?!? WTF. Need to start series 3.
Idea for new genre of music – Educational rap/rock. Where the lyrics are facts about specific educational areas. Is this already a thing?
Elford Hall Gardens Bonfire night was great.
Off to a bonfire at Elford Hall Gardens tomorrow. Hoping it stays warm.
Just started reading Dragon Head manga. Interesting so far.