oh my god. Michael has just killed Anna-Lucia and Hurley’s girl. I am shocked.
Listening to Primus & The Chocolate Factory. Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like it would be.
Excellence through endeavour.
American Horror Story has just successfully got under my skin. Can’t believe I haven’t watched it until now.
Just watched my first episode of “Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger”. To say it’s mental would be an understatement.
Right then. Enough coding – time to get an episode of Lost in before I fall asleep.
I am inspired by TP2.
I just had to drink 3-hour old, cold tea in order to use the mug to trap a giant spider.
Possibly one of the coolest presents I’ve ever been given — Uzumaki by Junji Ito (Complete Hardback Edition)
I recommend listening to Maggie Rose if you haven’t already.
If I was put into solitary and could only take one album to listen to ever again, it would be Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey
Flight of the Phoenix (1965). What a bloody great film that is. One of Jimmy Stewart’s best in my opinion.
Je Parle en pou francais
Finished From Dusk Till Dawn the series. Good to see Katie Cakes got a lift back this time. Enjoyed it thoroughly /@adamegginton
My Favourite moment in any film may be in Almost Famous when Sstillwater and crew sing Elton John’s Tiny Dancer together.
The trilogy is complete.