Saw this in my collection and thought of @kevatron500
@jeffrey_way just watched your sublime text 2 perfect workflow vids. Thanks, am learning loads!
Beloch’s staff is too long… They’re digging in the wrong place.
Emmet for sublime text 2 is awesome.
Just started using the awesome prism.js by @LeaVerou . Its definately worth a look. Code highlighting FTW!
Feeling like pap. Turns out minecraft is awesome though.
@aral good luck with talk at @MKGeekNight tonight. Im not gonna be able to make it unfortunately.
Bob Morton made a mistake… Now it’s time to erase that mistake.
I wonder what today will have in store for me.
After a few months, tonight, i finally picked up my electric guitar. And it felt goooood!
Tomorrow night = manson & rob zombie gig. Think jdevil may be supporting (john davis dj set) #hopeso
It turns out that my beginnings of my drawing app re-coding has become a nice base from which to start cross device canvas based apps.
Code folding ftw!
Ive just deleted two blog posts with no backups when reinstalling my local copy of site. #goshdarnit
Pseudo elements to the rescue. #beforeandafter