@MKGeekNight a great night! And a great first meetup for me! Thanks to all involved and to all the awesome speakers!
@missrachilli great talk! Nice meeting ya to!
@davatron5000 where do elements go when they’re deprecated?… HTM-Hell.
I want to be at #wdc2012 because I’ve never been to a web conf before and 19th october is my birthday! #rachilliwdc
@missrachilli lovin your new site.
Listening to tusk. An awesome album. One of my fave Fleetwood Mac
: Yes, it’s the couch you’ve been waiting for: ” @james27586
Look what I received last week off Audrey Tautou!!! #excited
It’s a sorry state of affairs when you need to tell people not to put teabags into a toilet. I mean, who does that?
No more Prentice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chinese Elvis!
Okay so it turns out I may have bitten off more than I can chew. May take longer. #peskywebapps #wannaplayminecraftbutgonnabegood
Finally got the google+ history API to ‘write moments’. Its the future people!
Where do my minecraft screenshots go? #minecraft
Making a webapp for joint art creation, and using a setTimeout in a Web worker to look for database changes. Any better solutions?