My auntie works in a stationary manufacturers, specialising in rulers. But she lives far away so I was centimetre.
Should I be grateful for the concern, or worried that it must happen that often that they now need to ask?
@ShopTalkShow also on subject of getting cool urls of your name. I managed to get I was dead chuffed!
Keepin it g-style #bttf
This soundtrack is too frickin cool!
Curtosy of mini cheddars free downloads. #avit
Tonight’s viewing. #videodrome
Website thus far.
I like this
Where I got to dine today. #avit
The friendliest folks in town wishing me good luck.
#nightnight from the gruffalo.
Night all.
Anyone who hasn’t already, listen to the TRON:Legacy soundtrack. It kicks bee – hind.
Sat in Co-op cafe listening to blue oyster cult. #avit