Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
First Blood – Far Cry 3
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
love a good story
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
PS3 for £140? Oh Argos, how you tempt me so.
So it turns out that writing my own PHP framework is harder than I first thought. Not that I thought it’d be easy, mind.
Every WordPress user knows that a fresh install of WordPress comes with a plugin called ‘Hello Dolly’.
Hello Dolly places a random lyric from the song of the same name at the top right of the admin area, changing with each new admin page load.
I like the idea but am not really a fan of the song. So I thought it would be cool to do my own variation. I have called it ‘Hello Seagal’.
Hello Seagal does exactly what Hello Dolly does — in fact it uses the original code from Hello Dolly — but altered for my needs. Hello Seagal will place a random line from various Steven Seagal Films in the top right of your admin area, changing with each page load.
With such classic lines as:
Download Hello Seagal Zip or View the source code on Github.