In public matches, with The Hag, cause survivors to trigger her Phantasm traps 100 times.
House of Pain – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator in Myers’ house and live to tell the story.
Cottage Owner – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, repair the generator in the Mother’s Dwelling and live to tell the story.
Perfect Escape – Dead by Daylight
In a public match, as a survivor, complete with at least 5000 blood points in each score category.
Made it out alive! – Dead by Daylight
In public matches, escape the match alive for a total of 50 times.
Playing the first Uncharted game on PS4. I’m enjoying everything about it except for the combat. I realise it’s an old game and isn’t representative of how awesome Naughty Dog are now. Just getting bit grindy at times. Looks beautiful too.
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