Just sat through black swan again. Fantastic film. I need to watch more movies.
Category: Notes
Latest opera mobile browser has webGL support. Av it!
@rickygervais just remembered a great quote, “it’d be spitefull to put a jellyfish in a trifle” classic.
@DerrenBrown hey there Derren. I saw the show in Birmingham last year and loved it! Cheers!
@DAVID_LYNCH how’s Annie?
Working on my website. Getting there…slowly.
Javascript ‘snake’ game almost complete. Right mission. But great learning curve. Just need to add in the apples. Peace!
@officialgiggs hey man. Big fan. looking forward to new album. Take ya hats off rocks!
I want my Garmonbozia
This week’s mission: finish Bdbl.
The canvas love ball version 1 is nearing completion. Just a bit of fun but should be pretty cool. Link coming soon. 🙂
Tonight I’ll be uploading version 1 of my canvas love ball at davidpea.ch/canvas-love-ball . Check it out later, peeps!
Trying to make ‘snake’ game in Javascript. Any ideas?
My new website (a CSS design blog) will be up by Friday. And then to finish bdbl. All go.
Finally, I’ve decided on a layout and colour scheme I’m happy with. New Web site coming soon, folks.